The Beginning of Good Byes

This week marked the first round of good byes I will say and hear as in the coming weeks the internship approaches an end and also I as prepare to wind down for the semester, pack up, and head home. April 10th was the last day of my Thursday classes because the middle school that I teach at will be closed from April 17- May 5 in honor of the Easter holidays/ spring break/ Italy’s Worker’s Day (which is similar to America’s Labor Day).

It was definitely bittersweet saying good bye to my Thursdays classes because they have by far been my favorite classes of the semester. I normally teach 4 classes on Thursday. However this past Thursday I only taught 3 because my class had their English test postponed from Wednesday to Thursday because they were unprepared. As a result, I only taught 5 classes this week since other classes earlier in the week also had tests scheduled on the days that I was supposed to work with them. 

All of my Thursday classes went really smoothly and at the end the students had time to ask me questions and basically share anything they wanted with me. Most of them wanted to know if I would be returning to Italy in the fall and where I would be going next. Some were interested in knowing what I wanted to study. Others wanted to know about my love life. The rest just thanked me for working with them and said that they would miss me. They were all really sweet and genuine. One thing that really stuck with me was that one of my students said that she wished that she could have more lessons with me. 

Lastly, the one student, who previously gave me drawings of the US landmarks and the Taj Mahal, even performed the song “Happy” by Pharrell Willams with his classmates.